We're a Mexican software-development company, specialized in solving problems with the use of technology. We have more than 10 years of experience designing, developing and implementing software and IT solutions for humans, who are at the heart of companies, government, startups, agencies and creative industries.

Some of our Projects

  • Cloud Solutions, eCommerce, IT Consulting, Mobile Apps, Solutions for Startups, Web
  • Cloud Solutions, eCommerce, IT Consulting, Solutions for Startups, Tech Support for Marketing Agencies, Web
  • Cloud Solutions, Mobile Apps, Solutions for Startups, Web
  • Cloud Solutions, eCommerce, IT Consulting, Mobile Apps, Web
  • Cloud Solutions, IT Consulting, Mobile Apps, Web
  • Cloud Solutions, eCommerce, IT Consulting, Solutions for Startups, Web
  • Cloud Solutions, eCommerce, IT Consulting, Mobile Apps, Solutions for Startups, Web
  • Mobile Apps, Web
  • IT Consulting, Web

our Methodology

We are Scrum-certified and we work with the Agile methodology. We prioritize cross-functional collaboration and continuous improvement.

1. Client request

Face-to-face or in a virtual meeting, we listen to your needs or ideas, present you our techniques and tools to make sure we'll meet your requirements, and exchange ideas and advice to ensure the feasibility of the project.

2. Information Analysis

We analyze in detail the information and requirements you previously shared with us. We classify it depending on the priority of each step, we detect risks and propose improvements as needed. No two projects are the same; each has its unique challenges and characteristics.

3. Proposal

We generate a detailed document where we propose an integral solution that specifies the needs of the project, its objectives, scopes, times, deliverables, technologies, and computer equipment or hardware if necessary.

4. Solution Development

Our software engineering, design, software development and marketing teams are all coordinated and organized using the Agile framework. We stick to the best practices and adhere to processes that will guarantee the success of your project.

5. Validation and Testing

Once the solution is ready, we test it in a controlled environment as our QA (Quality Assurance) team verifies that the project is within scope. We make sure it meets all of the objectives and complies with all the technical aspects specified from the start.

6. Implementation and Launch

When the project is 100% completed, we'll accompany you in the launching of your product or solution. Afterward, we provide technical support and consulting options tailored to your project.

1. Requirement Intake

In a face-to-face or virtual meeting we listen to your needs or ideas, apply techniques and tools for requirements gathering, bounce some concepts and advise you to ensure the feasibility of the project.

2. Information Analysis

We analyze in detail the information and requirements previously gathered to classify and process the most important, detect risks and propose improvements. No two projects are alike and each project has its unique challenges and characteristics.

Proposal Generation

We generate a detailed document where we propose an integral solution that specifies the needs of the project, its objectives, scopes, times, deliverables, technologies considered and computer equipment or hardware if necessary.

4. Solution Development

Our software engineering, design, software development and marketing teams work with agile methodologies and the necessary tools for the integral development of the technological solution, implementing the best practices and following processes that guarantee the success of the project.

5. Validation and Testing

Once the solution is ready, tests are performed in controlled environments and our QA (Quality Assurance) team verifies that the project meets all the objectives, covers all the scopes and complies with all the technical aspects that were specified at the beginning.

6. Implementation and Launch

When the project is 100% completed, we accompany our client in the launching of their product or solution and provide different technical support and consulting options tailored to each project.

Some of our clients