How to make an app for my company?

How to make an app for my company?

A mobile application is no longer something exclusive to large companies. Today it is a tool available to anyone to boost your sales or automate your processes.

There are more than 115 million cellular lines in Mexico and it is estimated that in 2018, 51 million users with a smartphone were reached. In other words, if your business does not have an app, you are wasting the possibility of reaching almost half of the population.

Now the question is, how to make my app? If you don’t have the programming skills it may seem like a daunting task, but nowadays there are plenty of ways to get your app on both Android and iOS.


Nowadays, knowing how to program is an essential tool for every human being. It is not for nothing that countries such as Estonia, Finland, China Singapore and the United Kingdom have incorporated programming studies into the education system in all schools.

If you have the time and the willingness, learning to program yourself is the best way to make your own app. Not only would you acquire the ability to develop the application you want, but you would be able to keep it updated according to your needs and understand how it works in depth.

Best of all, you won’t have to spend a fortune or go to college to learn how to program. Udemy has plenty of courses (free and paid) ranging from programming basics to writing code in specific languages.

On Coursera you will also find several options, including this UNAM course that specializes in Android application development. Or this one from Tec de Monterrey that will teach you how to program in Swift, a language used for iOS applications.

If you want to study a specific language, it is best to learn Swift and Objective-C for iOS or Java and Kotlin for Android.


The most efficient solution to acquire your app is to hire a professional software development team. By approaching a company dedicated to this, you will be able to create a more complex application in much less time than if you were to do it yourself.

But the most important advantage is that you will have expert advice during the whole process, from the structuring of your idea to seeing it available in stores. You will have design suggestions, advice on its operation, you will be able to make tests until it is just as you had imagined it and with a quality control that guarantees the best possible final product.

In addition, being backed by a group of engineers, there are no limits to your app (unlike the platforms for creating applications). If you hire a development company, almost any idea is feasible.

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Now if you don’t have the financial capacity to hire a professional development team, nor the interest or time to learn how to do it yourself, there are several mobile app generators you can try. In other words, apps to create apps.

These platforms allow you to create your app easily and without programming knowledge. Simply follow the instructions, drag certain modules, choose your design among several templates and you will have your app in a few days (or even hours).

Here are some platforms that can help you:

  • Mobincube. It is a very easy to use platform with which you can generate your application in a matter of minutes. It has free plans, support for App Store and Play Store publishing and a Spanish page.
  • Mobile Roadie. It offers very professional interfaces that are perfect for entertainment, travel, sports or music applications. Their plans are a little more expensive but the final product does look better.
  • The App Builder. This can be a good solution if you are looking for an internal application for your company. Its templates are ideal for communication between customers, suppliers and employees.
  • Good Barber. This platform gives you the option to choose between a news application, a business application or one in which users contribute their own content. Good choice for blogs, newspapers and online magazines.
  • Bizness Apps. As its name suggests, it specializes in business applications. The perfect solution for SMBs looking to get noticed by mobile users.

In conclusion, their speed and practicality make these tools the ideal solution if you do not require much from your application. The bad part is that you will not have the advice of any expert and you will be limited to the predefined options already included in the application. If you require something more complex, you should definitely look for one of the other three options.


It may be that your company is a completely technology-based startup and you require continuous assistance. In this case, it is best to assemble your own development team and build your software in-house.

This way, you will have more control over the equipment and better quality control. In addition, developers will have more creativity when programming, they will be able to give each other feedback and in the end both you and your employees will be more satisfied.

An alternative that some people often opt for is to hire a freelancer. It may sound like a tempting (and cheaper) option, but keep in mind that one person will not be able to do all the work and surely the final result will be limited; a programmer is not enough, it would also be convenient to have design, architecture, testing, etc. advice.

As in any project, teamwork usually yields more and better results.